Education and Climate Information
The Frog will explore The Climate Action Handbook: A Visual Guide to 100 Climate Solutions by Heidi Roop in the first 100 days of 2024

In the first `100 days of 2024 we will explore 100 climate solutions that may “empower you to evaluate, engage, and act” to address on-going climate change as an individual on your terms.
Compared to their grandparents, the average six-year-old today will face roughly:
2X more wildfires
4X more river flooding
2.5X more crop failures
2X more droughts.
The inherent risks of climate change demands action with a sense of intergenerational equity. Every generation holds the Earth in common with members of the present generation and with other generations, past and future. This is the foundation of sustainable development which relies on a sense of fairness among generations in the use and conservation of the environment and its natural resources.
Climate change is already underway. If you are a baby boomer, average life expectancy dictates that you will be gone before it gets really bad under a “business as usual” scenario of warming of 3°C or more by the end of this century. Your grandchildren are saddled with the burden of the older generations – the essence of intergenerational inequality.
When you reflect on your legacy at the end of your life, will you be able to claim that you did everything possible to ensure the safety, security, and welfare of those that you leave behind?
Human are definitely “here and now” thinkers. Deciding to take action and make sacrifices for the good of the next generations takes thought and commitment. Climate change is underway and it will affect everyone. But the younger you are, the longer you live, the more danger you will face if nothing is done.
Advocate for change in your spheres of influence – whether with elected officials, faith leaders, or your own family members and friends – using your voice, concern, and expertise to ensure a safe future for all children.
Heidi Roop – The Climate Action Handbook
But we get to choose our future. We already understand the causes of climate change and what we need to do to mitigate its effects and adapt to the changes already underway. Heidi’s book is a roadmap to the actions that you can choose to take on behalf of future generations. The choice to do so it entirely up to you.
“What motivates you? Will you consider your impact on future generations when deciding what actions to take?”

Next Up: Climate Action Day 90: Seek Climate Solutions for Schools

Howard Creel